Beat The Blues
There comes a time in life, and probably more than once, when you need to make a conscious effort to take back your power.
Life can get confusing when we feel a little deflated, a little more powerless than usual or to the extent that we find it hard to keep going. Going through all the hardships one has to endure dims our spark; no wonder we feel a little lost.
Our job situation needs changing, things at home aren’t the best, or we lack direction in life. These feelings of helplessness can swallow us whole.
What I learnt was that these are normal. We are human, after all. What would become of us without feelings? You can also learn how to use them to your advantage and regain power.
When out of balance, we may need to adjust and change a few things in our lives and ourselves. Inspiration is always available to help us become stronger mentally and physically.
You May Quit, But Never Give Up!
Before quitting my job, I was constantly on the go; that long daily commute took it out of me. I was on the move for about 3-4 hours a day; with delays, it could increase.
If I had to describe that feeling of burnout I experienced at 46, after 20 years of sitting in different offices and on different continents, surviving the daily commute that got me there and back, exhaustion would be too gentle a word for it.
Sometimes, to take back your power, you need a drastic change.
I had to take drastic action, and that included quitting my job. I do not advise you to do the same; I can only tell you what I experienced and what I did to change things around.
To what extent one can go depends on personal preferences and circumstances, so please research before quitting your job to make an informed (and safe) decision.
And now, back to taking back your power in and following challenging times.
I have compiled a list of 11 things that helped me on rainy days.
I hope you get some inspiration, motivation and positivity from it.
11 Tips To Take Back Your Power & Develop Physical and Mental Strength
1. Get enough sleep!
I knew that constantly being sleep-deprived has a generally very negative effect on our health, but due to my schedule, there wasn’t much I could do about it.
Our brain needs a chance to rest and rejuvenate.
Enough sleep—the recommended 7 or 8 hours a night—helps your body recover from the day’s activities.
Because I hardly got 5-6 hours, I always felt tired. I knew my performance couldn’t suffer, so increasing my caffeine intake was the only option to keep me focused. I found myself waking up at night at least 1- 2. This disrupted sleep pattern only increased the need for caffeine. So, you see the vicious circle there.
In contrast, when I became very strict about my sleeping habits—in bed at about the same time every night, no phone or other gadgets two hours before bed, and reading—they all worked their magical calming effects, and soon, I started to sleep through the night. Even the first time felt life-changing!
Yes, I know the internet is 24/7, and there’s so much to see! But it will be there after we are gone—like, for good. It doesn’t have an age limit like we humans do. Focusing on things that matter at this moment can bring positive changes.
Be selfish. Take back your power by focusing on yourself today. Not skipping this step might trigger significant positive changes in your life!
2. Eat a healthy diet
I have extensive knowledge of big-city lunch deals, and I don’t think they’re actually healthy. They’re convenient, yes, but that’s all. Even the ones labelled healthy could be questionable.
Because of my hectic daily schedule, I had to consciously try to increase my energy levels during the day, so I started packing my lunch.
Eating a healthy diet helped me gain more energy and perform better physically and mentally.
Different foods also alter how we feel throughout the day, so that might be something to consider.
Eat fresh foods, limit your sugar and salt intake and reduce unhealthy fats. Stopping eating stuff from jars and supermarkets’ ready meals section could be a good start.
3. Regular exercise
Every company should have a gym in or near its building and encourage employees to use it.
I don’t know if you have heard, but sitting-down jobs are considered worse than smoking! I remember one of my colleagues was so stressed that she left her desk only to pop out for a smoke during her short break! If you’re one of those, please stop; you’re killing yourself.
Look up the nearest gym and use your lunch break to get some miles in on the treadmill. If you have a long commute, like I did, including walking, then go lift some weights. Your body will thank you for it.
Exercise is a great way to take back your power. Because of the feel-good hormones that follow, we feel much better in our skin.
Increased physical and mental strength, less stressed, improved mood and energy levels—I experienced these first hand. Even 30-45 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise can be a real game-changer. What are you waiting for?
4. Take breaks during the day
As mentioned above, this is a great remedy when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Go for a walk, listen to music, or even walk into the other room and take a few deep breaths.
This world as it is today encourages us to stay connected to this and that, to everything all at once, and we ignore the fact that we lose connection with ourselves in the process.
Taking a break, even for only a few minutes, to relax can improve focus and productivity. Don’t just believe what I say; try it!
5. Set realistic goals
Unrealistic goals are the direct path to disappointment. Yep, it’s way easier said than done. Research, plan, and have a strategy in place.
Being realistic about what you can accomplish in a day is vital. When I look back on my life, I see exactly when and how I wasted so much of my precious time because I did not have goals accompanied by a well-thought-out daily schedule.
Setting the bar high and aiming for bigger goals is fine if you are willing to break those goals down into smaller steps.
Goals are the driving source behind everything we do, giving structure to our lives.
I’m not saying never eat cake. It’s okay to occasionally divert from the original path but ensure you know your way back.
Following the proper steps can easily beat overwhelm and set you on the right path.
6. Get organised
Some people claim they thrive in chaos, but an organised environment can help you focus. I am okay with a little creative mess, but I have to structure and schedule things sooner or later if I want to get anywhere.
So, take time to declutter your workspace and life, and develop a system that works for you. That might be the next best thing to achieve more in a day.
7. Be positive
Gosh! If you read this and your first thought was, here we go again, I hear you! I felt irritation when facing life-altering challenges and people telling me to think positively. Have you been in situations like these?
It is tough to stay positive and think about how you can overcome the suffocating presence of that seemingly never-ending dark phase in your life.
But, and this is a huge BUT, trying to be positive is different.
When we face great and threatening obstacles, a tsunami of negative feelings is sometimes unavoidable. What worked for me was to acknowledge and accept the feelings. The mind could not be helped, but the body—well, that was a different case.
It did take some effort, but when I felt weak, I started muay thai (I had never done martial arts before in my entire life!). When I didn’t feel like eating, I went to my favourite restaurant and ordered my all-time favourite meal. When I felt like curling up in the corner of my bedroom, licking my battle wounds, I forced myself to get out of the house and go for a walk.
So, you might not be able to think positively instantly. But you can take back your power by being positive and acting on it, you might surprise yourself with how creative you can be in problem-solving.
8. Daily affirmations
You often hear, “Start your day with positive affirmations.” There aren’t any rules about whether morning or evening is better. I like to wake up and read a little bit, and then I have chores to do, so sometimes I get to this in the evening.
Making this a morning routine can set the tone of the day by changing the voice in your head.
Repeating, just before an exam, “I am strong and capable”, or throughout the day until you believe it could tremendously impact your performance. Doing that will not replace the preparation required before an exam but can increase your confidence in your ability to succeed.
It’s like running a different program in your mind to what you’re used to. You want a different outcome, so you change your language to speak to your inner self.
Daily affirmations (or prayers) are more efficient when I say words with intention and visualise the desired outcome.
9. Look after your well-being
Get out of the house to recharge your soul with the first-morning sun. Schedule time for activities that make you happy and help you relax.
Or take some yoga and breathing classes to re-balance the energy flow in your body.
Self-care can be anything from reading to getting a massage.
These moments are about you and will help you feel your best and be more resilient when facing challenges.
Self-care is the simplest thing to start with to take your power back.
10. Choose your support circle
Spend time with people who help you progress, make you feel good about yourself, and support your goals.
Choose role models from successful people who have already achieved what you strive for. Follow them, learn from them.
Let them inspire you, not the people around you who are still fighting their self-doubt and limitations. We can’t choose family, but we can select our friends.
11. Learn to say no
This was major for me. There was a phase in my life when, as a result of old conditioning, I tried to help everyone all at once. That’s impossible.
So, I know the importance of setting boundaries. Don’t try to do everything or please everyone. We all have the same 24 hours every day; the question is how we’re spending them.
Learn to say no to focus on what’s important to you. When you feel deflated, your focus should be on you.
Remember, before flights take off, they tell you that in case of an incident, you must put on your oxygen mask first. It makes sense, doesn’t it? There’s only so much we can do for others when gasping for air ourselves.
But when you take time to withdraw a little, recharge your batteries, and re-strategise your life, you might be surprised how far you can go!
Develop strength to take back your power.
Strength is not just about physical fitness. It’s also about having the courage to face your fears and the discipline to stick to your goals.
Sometimes, we feel that this ability has been taken from us, and sometimes, we feel broken. And that’s okay because, from every low place, the only way is up.
Remember how diamonds develop – under high pressure and at high temperatures. You are a queen under pressure. Don’t shy away from your sparkle!
So, if you’re ready to take back your power and develop physical and mental strength, try these tips in action and see how they work for you. Thanks so much for reading!
Onwards and upwards! Lead with your strength!
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